Super Blep

Super Blep

The objective is to develop a video game in Java. We can play multiplayer on the same machine in an undivided window. The game will be a kind of "Arena Shooter" : A 2D game in which players control their character with a gamepad or keyboard/mouse in an arena with the aim of being the last survivor. Each arena has platforms, objects (crates, barrels), equipment (weapons, armor) and traps (moving platforms, spikes, bombs). Before starting a game, players can choose their character and change its appearance.

The main goal is to get a game that is fun to play even as a developer.

If this first part is finalized, we will consider adding the following features :

No animals were harmed during the game's development

Download the game

The game is still in an early stage, but feel free to give it a try on the releases page

Blep Masters

The map editor

Create your own map to play on.



A small selection of feedback we received


The next gen!

The futur is here!


Five cats, five stars
